Hi. I'm Dunfrey P. Aragão

... and this is my webpage... hope you find enough answers about me. But, don't worry if you don't find it... just say hi and we can talk better! (satisfy your curiosity, I am the zen guy)

How am I? dunfrey@gmail.com
or +55 83 99965-0337

Ph.D. Student

In short: trying to understand COVID-19 dynamics in Brazil.

Data Scientist

Also Java developer, and neural networks enthusiast

Laughs & Responsibility

laughing and making others laugh... but a job well done... delights

Here’s some stuff I made recently.

.. a mix of hard skills and soft skills ..

SpaceYNet v.2

With the implementing of LSTM layers, the robot's 6-DoF outcomes is more acurate and the predict label are improved the relocation problem.

Project OOP Python

The teaching internship permits interactions and experiences, and allows to build projects that compile all classes. (Portuguese version)

Fraud Detection

A machine learning project to detect fraudulent transactions in the financial services sector, evaluated on top 70, over +2000 submissions.

SpaceYNet v.1

A multitask neural network able to regress the robot's 6-DoF as well as the depth-scene image using a single RGB-image as input data.

Have me make stuff for you.

Find me on ...

dunfrey@gmail.com or +55 83 99965-0337